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CDN and the Southlake BMX Club presents

The CDN BMXNSW State Series Event


State Series Event #4

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EntryRegistration (sign-on)

Entries close: 11.59pm Sunday  

Late entries (online only) close: 11:59pm Monday  

Late entry fee: extra $20 per rider

There is no registration / sign-on at BMXNSW events

It is the responsibility of the rider / parent / guardian to check race details at the transponder checking station

Any amendments need to be made before 09:00 on the day of racing at the score shed

A text needs to be sent to 0438243003 before 09:00 if you are not able to make the event

Transponders will be used at this event, all riders must have a transponder in order to be scored

(Note: Sprockets are not scored and do not need a transponder)

titleTime and Place

Open Practice (Sat)
  • 3.00 - 5.00pm ($3 per rider - pay club)
Gates/Practice (Sun)
  • 8-11s 8.00 - 8.30am
  • 17+ including Superclass 8.30 - 9.00am
  • 12-16s 9.00 - 9.25am
  • Sprockets 9.25 - 9.50am
Racing (Sun)
  • 10.00am sharp
Location35 Croome Rd, Albion Park Rail NSW 2527


Sprockets5, 6, 7 (no gender division)
20"8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17-24, 25-29, 30-34, 35-39, 40-44, 45-49, 50+
Cruiser8-10, 11-12, 13-14, 15-16, 17-24, 25-29, 30-34, 35-39, 40-44, 45-49, 50+


Masterclass30+ open wheel

titleFees / Awards

Class (4 min)

Paper-based entry fee

Online entry fee


Yes transponder hireNo transponder hireYes transponder hireNo transponder hire

14+ Superclass





$2,000 plus payback minus BMXNSW levy

Masterclass$60.85$44.85$50.85$34.851, 2, 3 pays double, all other awards pay the same as Age classes






Awards 1-8






Awards all riders


Superclass / Masterclass / Age/Cruiser: 3 motos/final.

Sprockets: 4 motos.

There is no gender division in Sprockets classes

Racing conducted under ARB 013-1(a), 013-2(b) - See the Australian Rulebook.

Pro-sections: Riders wishing to use the alternate sections (Pro Straights) in all sanctioned events must be Year of Birth 14 years+ and to be traversed only by Superclass/A/AA and Championship categories. The Pro straights are mandatory for Superclass male riders and optional for Superclass female riders unless otherwise directed by the Chief Commissaire.

Undersubscribed classes will be combined with an older category; however, classes with a maximum age of more than 24 shall be combined with the next younger category.

Starting Blocks: Participation class riders may be assisted at the start. The parent/guardian of a rider who elects to use an interlocking pedal cleat system will not be allowed into staging or on the start hill – that rider can receive no assistance. 

All riders are responsible to use equipment / clothing that complies with the Australian Rulebook regulations. The fact that any noncompliance was not noticed earlier in an event shall not constitute a defence in case it is noticed later in the same event, or at a future event.

Appropriate clothing policy must be adhered to for practice as well as race sessions. Number plates must also be used during practice.

A protest may be filed by a rider through the Team Manager with the Chief Commissaire for the scoring of a rider. Protests can only be made on the results from the scoring medium showing the order in which the riders crossed the finish line, not the decisions of the commissaires panel that are noted in the results such as DNS (Did Not Start), DNF (Did Not Finish), REL (Relegated).

Transponders will be used at this event, all riders (except Sprockets) must have a transponder. It is the rider’s responsibility to ensure that transponder is working and is correctly fitted in line with fork leg of bike. In the event of a malfunction or loss of transponder, for any reason, the rider’s finishing position will be determined by the officials. Any rider coming off the gate without a transponder or with a non-working transponder will be scored as DNS. If a rider gets a start signal but not a finish signal the commissaires will use best endeavours to find the placing for that rider. If this is not possible the rider will be scored last.

In all cases the decisions made by the Chief Commissaire are final


By entering this event I, for myself and for my heirs, personal representative and assign, do hereby release and forever discharge the controlling bodies, organisers, officials, members property owners, employees and any person, firm or corporation charged with the responsibility or liability from all or any claims, demands, cost expenses, loss of service and any other actions arising from any act or occurrence and particularly on account of ALL PERSONAL INJURY, DISABILITY, PROPERTY DAMAGE OR LOSS OF KIND that I may hereafter sustain as a result of participation in any event, as a competitor or spectator conducted by any club or organisation affiliated with the official controlling bodies of BMX in New South Wales. I fully understand the nature of the activities to be conducted and acknowledge the hazards of the said activities. I voluntarily assume the risk of injury to my person, property and the property of others. In the event of any injury I hereby give consent for proper medical treatment to be administered.

I, and those in my company, further agree to comply with and be bound by the Code of Behaviour as it relates to riders, parents, spectators and officials. I am also aware that any photographs, still or moving, that may be taken during the event may be published and used for publicity and promotional purposes.


>>>> Do not leave race entry to the last minute <<<<


QR Code

Online entry

Paper-based entry

Enquiries (email only)

Online entered riders can be checked immediately in the Entered Riders list in OSM.

This can be found at the top right of the online entry page.

If the rider is not listed here then they are not entered.

Link to Paper Entries Form

Correctly filled in form plus cheque/money order must be received by the Friday before the closing date

Riders will be notified if not accepted due to late entries or incorrect entry fee.

For entry enquires contact BMXNSW before close of entries

For OSM online enquiries contact BMX Australia


Note: No refund is made without a Medical Certificate (max 1 week after event)


Talk to the locals about accommodation … don’t forget to mention you are BMXers … The “Olympic” Sport

A great resource for this event and provides details on accommodation, restaurants, things to see and do and much more

Tourism Shellharbour website

Accommodation for Shellharbour can be booked on the following link

Shellharbour accomodation

The Shellharbour Visitors Guide can be viewed here

Shellharbour visitor guide

The Visitor Centre is open 7 days a week from 9am to 5pm or they can call the Visitors Centre on 4221 6169 or 1300 65 6169 or by email at