Getting Started in BMX by MelC

Getting Started in BMX by MelC

BMX racing is a fantastic sport because it caters for all ages from 2 years and up. Various club point score competitions are run throughout the year but you can start racing at any time.  Slightly more experienced riders can race at other tracks and quickly progress to 'open' competition at State or National level. Many families participate, even Mum & Dad can ride or race! It's a brilliant sport for girls, too!  


You will need a full-face helmet, BMX bike of any description, long-sleeved shirt, gloves, long pants, joggers and a race plate. $15 will usually purchase you a race plate from the club.

If you don't have a helmet, jersey or gloves then ask at the sign-on desk and they may have something suitable for you to borrow.

Any accessories will need to be removed from your bike e.g. reflectors, chain guards, bells, etc.

If you pay $40 you can start racing - this gives you a 4 month licence that you can use anywhere (except State Titles and National events). 


Fees and Licencing

All riders must be licenced before they can use the track – check out BMX NSW Membership and Licences page for details


Number Plates

The following number plate colour combinations must be used:

Purple plate, white numbers:    Participation (BMX Mini Wheeler – 2 to 4 years old)

Orange plate, black numbers:   Participation (Sprocket Rocket – 5 to 7 years old):

Yellow plate, black numbers:    Challenge (Men, Boys, Masters) AA & A (Men & Women) Pro Open (Men)

Blue plate, white numbers:       Challenge (Women, Girls) Pro open (Women)

Red plate, white numbers:        Cruiser (All)

White plate, black numbers:     Elite (Men & Women) 

Black plate, white numbers:      Elite Junior (Men & Women)

You may use any number combination, however numbers 1 to 8 are reserved for riders that placed in those positions at prior titles, therefore cannot be used unless earned previously.

How are Club Days run?

Working Bee:

A couple of hours before racing there are duties to be undertaken including preparation of the track (sweeping, scraping, watering, rolling and line-marking).  Garbage bins are placed around the track and the surrounds are given a general tidy-up.  Everyone is encouraged to lend a hand, after all, nobody is paid to do any of these jobs.

Set-up, Practice and Sign-on:

Following the working bee is the setup of the following:

PA system


Sign-on (registration) and scoring computer

Start gate

Allocation of positions including gate starter, flag person, race commissaire, stager, scorer and first aid

During this time there will be an open practice session and sign-on.  At sign-on you will be asked to produce riders’ licence/s or proof of current licence, confirm the rider’s name, class & plate number and pay the race fees.  You can also volunteer for a position, or even ask to spend time learning a position that somebody else has volunteered to do by standing alongside them for a couple of race meets – this is a great way to learn a job.



The start time of racing is noted on the club’s calendar.  Club racing includes 5 motos (races) for each class. Parents may assist with riders at the gate only if the rider is not wearing shoes that clip into their pedals.

The stager will call each class up to the hill and then call each rider's number, name & lane number.

The starter will call riders to the gate, when the riders are in position the gate start sequence will begin -  "Ok riders. Random start. Riders ready? Watch the gate." (...random time gap 0.1 to 2.7s...) Beep, beep, beep, beeeeeeep - gate drops on the last beep.

The riders will line up at the finish line in their finishing order for scoring.

If there is an accident during racing, the crashed rider will be attended to by first aid only – no onlookers are to attend a crash unless asked by first aid.

There is usually a break after the third moto for refreshments and a rest.

At the end of moto 5 all the equipment must be packed away.


PLEASE BE WARNED: BMX racing is highly addictive & may become a huge part of your life!