Welcome to the Clarence Valley BMX Club

Welcome to the Clarence Valley BMX Club

BMX racing is a fantastic sport because it caters for all ages from 2 years and up. Various club point score competitions are run throughout the year but you can start racing at any time.  Slightly more experienced riders can race at other tracks and quickly progress to 'open' competition at State or National level. Many families participate, even Mum & Dad can ride or race! It's a brilliant sport for girls, too!  

All riders must be licenced before they can use the track – keep reading for details.

About BMX and our track

Some of the advantages of joining the Clarence Valley BMX Club include rider insurance cover, learning bike skills and training, the thrill of racing and starting from the gates, competing against other riders, making new friends, all the family can do the same sport at the one place and time each week, being able to ride on most BMX tracks in Australia, competing in major BMX events if you wish, you can ride competitively or socially. Club members receive a 10% discount when purchasing bikes and gear from Grafton City Cycles 105 Pound Street Grafton simply by showing your BMX licence.

We have Male and Female riders ranging from 2 to 53+ years young. 

The Club has asphalted the berms, installed a drum safety start gate and reshaped the start hill. The BMX Club has track flood lighting which allows the club to hold night events.

We race all year round with two 6 month seasons, with breaks during school holidays. 

  • Racing is held Wednesday nights racing with warm ups and sign-on between 5.30-6pm. Racing starts at 6.15pm.
    Track fees are $6.00 per rider (capped at $20.00 per family).  Riders are grouped into age and ability classes. Each group of riders have a total of 6 races on a club race day with a short break after the second race and again after the fourth race.  Club members and 4 month licence holders are scored for each club day and awards are presented at the end of each race season.  (Mini Wheelers are $5.00)
  • Gate practice is held on Friday nights from 6.00pm.  Track fees are $3.00 per rider, capped at $10.00 per family.

A full race calendar is available here however we recommend you follow the clubs facebook page for any updates about practice and racing.

How are Club Days run?

Prior to race night:

Allocation of positions including:

 First Aid - 
 Sign On - 
 Staging (calling riders names) - 
 Scoring - 
 Flags -
 Gate Operater - 
 Canteen help in break -

Set-up, Practice and Sign-on:

Prior to racing there are duties to be undertaken including preparation of the track, kitchen set up, garbage bins are placed around the track and the surrounds are given a general tidy-up.  Everyone is encouraged to lend a hand, after all, nobody is paid to do any of these jobs.

During this time there will be an open practice session and sign-on.  At sign-on you will be asked to produce riders’ licence/s or proof of current licence, confirm the rider’s name, class & plate number, pay the race fees and check if any recent code of conduct variations have been passed on to the rider. 

You can also volunteer for a position, or even ask to spend time learning a position that somebody else has volunteered to do by standing alongside them for a couple of race meets – this is a great way to learn a job.


The start time of racing is noted on the club’s calendar.  Club racing includes 6 motos (races) for each class.

Parents may assist with riders at the gate only if the rider is not wearing shoes that clip into their pedals.

The stager will call each class up to the hill and then call each rider's number, name & lane number.

The starter will call riders to the gate, when the riders are in position the gate start sequence will begin -  "Ok riders. Random start. Riders ready? Watch the gate." (...random time gap 0.1 to 2.7s...) Beep, beep, beep, beeeeeeep - gate drops on the last beep.

The riders will line up at the finish line in their finishing order for scoring.

If there is an accident during racing, the crashed rider will be attended to by first aid only – no onlookers are to attend a crash unless asked by first aid.

There is usually a break after the third moto for refreshments and a rest.

At the end of moto 6 all the equipment must be packed away - again, no one is paid to do this so we call chip in. 

What gear do you need?

BMX Bike

2 – 4 year olds race in the Mini Wheeler class on a balance bike that don’t have pedals.

Younger riders can use either 16” or 18” bikes in the club sprocket races.

For older riders, the wheels should be 20” or cruiser size 24”. Mountain bikes with 26”wheels outside diameter may also be ridden on club days.

The bike needs to be in good mechanical order with no stands, reflectors or bells attached. Handlebar end plugs for safety reasons. BMX race bikes are generally lighter than normal BMX bikes and come in variety of sizes. The right size for each rider’s age is very important. For advice about sizes talk to some of the BMX Mums and Dads at the track.

Number plates and numbers are available from the canteen, or you can buy a personalised plate from Rush Industries

Long sleeve top or jumper.  We order club jerseys about once a year. 

Long legged pants/jeans or shorts with knee and shin/pads. (Many riders use motocross gear).

Fully enclosed shoes with a non-slip sole. Socks that cover the ankle bone.

Gloves (we can loan these to you when you first get started, however, for hygiene reasons we strongly suggest that you order your own)

Full face helmet (very important!!)

If you need help or advice about getting any of this equipment or a bike come and see the club. The club may have some spare helmets and gear to loan new riders on race days for a few weeks until they can get their own gear.

On race days we will have a notice board at the canteen, where you may find some second hand gear or bikes for sale.

Memberships and Licence Types

Please Note: all online payments will incur a small bank administration fee of $2-3 dollars that is added to this fee by BMX Australia.  

4 Month Membership $41.15*

The licence is aimed at riders to try BMX at a beginner club level and allows new riders unlimited access to try BMX for 4 months before joining the sport permanently. This licence is an open licence and therefore members can ride at club and state level, however will not be eligible to ride at State Titles and National events. Following the 4 month introductory period the member is then eligible to become a full member (only Open or Sprocket) and they will receive a $20 discount off the cost of their full licence.

Only new members can apply for this licence (no renewals).  This licence is only allowed to be purchased once by the member.

Mini Wheel Membership  $50.85* 12 months

Mini Wheel membership is for riders from 2 – 4 years old. These riders use balance bikes which have no pedals.

Sprocket Rocket Membership   $133.45* 12 months

Sprocket Rocket membership is for any rider under the age of 8.

The Sprocket Rocket program is a participation based program, taking the focus from competition to skill based learning programs. This allows children under the age of 8 the opportunity to tune their BMX racing skills in a fun non-competitive environment. Riders who are 7 years of age will be issued with a sprocket licence initially, and if they turn 8 during their sprocket membership they will be reissued an open licence which reflects their new age of 8.

Open Membership  $139.60* 12 months

An open membership allows you to ride at any club in Australia, including club carnivals and events.

Volunteer Membership- Free 12 months

As a parent volunteer you are requested to get a volunteer membership so that you are covered by urr insurance.

No membership card will be issued and this does not allow the applicant to race. (This is recommended for parents of riders).

How to Register!!!  (either one of the following 3 simple steps)

1.  New Members can register online by going to "BMX Australia" - Membership - Online Membership - New Member Join and follow the prompts.    Please Note - You will need to scan in a copy of the rider's Birth Certificate or Driver’s Licence or High School Student’s ID Card OR some form of confirmation of Date of Birth ie, front page of "baby blue book";

2.  OR come to our Club BMX Race Night or Training Night and we can help you complete this online with our club computer. Remember, please bring a form of rider’s ID (confirmation of DOB) from list above and ALSO your credit card;

3.  OR   come to our Club BMX Race Night or Training Night and we can arrange to complete (the old style) Registration paperwork and send to BMX Australia for New Members. Remember, please bring a form of rider’s ID (confirmation of DOB) from list above - together with the registration fee, plus $5.00 administration fee to cover credit card charges.

Stay up to date with all the last happens by checking out the Clarence Valley BMX Club’s Facebook page

if you require any more information please call Club Secretary: Taya Wear Ph: 0451 456 150

If you wish to join our email newsletter please email clarencevalleybmx.secretary@gmail.com

Clarence Valley BMX