2019/2020 Committee

2019/2020 Committee

President –  Marnie Brighton

Vice President –  David Landenburger  

Secretary –   Taya Wear  

Treasurer Jenn Chisolm  

Public Officer Marnie Brighton  

Registrar Kate Mcswan

Registrar –  

Registrar –  vacant

Canteen Manager Erica Barber

Track Maintenance Manager  Grant Marsh  

Ground Maintenance Manager Dion McGregor  

Coach Co-Ordinator – vacant

Publicity Co-Ordinators –   Jenn Chisolm  

Website Co-Ordinator –   Taya Wear  

Facebook Co-Ordinator Marnie Brighton & Jenn Chisholm  

First Aid Officers Marnie Brighton, Grant Marsh, Greg Brown, Stacey Brown, Jenn Chisholm,

Grievance Officer –  Grant Marsh  

Sponsor Co-Ordinators Jess Butler 

Sports Council Delegate Marnie Brighton 

2nd Sports Council Delegate  -  Taya Wear

2018 Clarence Valley BMX Club Inc

Committee & Volunteer job descriptions and duties

Executive Committee


This is the figure head of the club, the public relations person and generally the chairperson at meetings. The President oversees the general smooth running of the club. Allocate duties to executive committee and members. Work in with members and volunteers to see that duties are being carried out correctly. Write safety reports.

Vice President/Vice Chairperson

They will stand in should the President ever not be able to attend meetings. The President and Vice President should liaise on a regular basis with regards to club matters. Work with members to help the club run smoothly. Write safety reports.


To deal with administration such as taking and distributing minutes at meetings, check accounts have been paid, and dealing with all correspondences to and from the club including all emails to club members. Send out notification if racing is called off. Storing of records. Purchase stationary and office supplies. May hold petty cash for small reimbursements. Record any major injuries or accidents.


Has the responsibility to keep the books and accounts in order and up to date. Collect all takings and deposit into the bank. Receipt of any income received and arrange payment for any outstanding accounts. Statements and reports should be made available at meetings and kept on file with minutes from meetings. Forward information and records onto secretary. May hold petty cash for small reimbursements. Organising annual financial audit.

Committee Positions

Public Officer

Deal with all Dept of Fair Trading matters and make sure the club complies with Fair Trading polices.


Sign-on riders. Accept and Process New and Renew Licences. Information and Enquires. Prepare Race Sheets and liaise with Scorers . Receive and Receipt Payments. Keep and update records. Forward information and records onto Secretary. Hold registrar float. Count takings. Help organise awards and trophies.

Canteen Managers

Manage and run canteen. Purchase canteen supplies and cleaning supplies. Count money at the end of each day. Hold till float. Inform committee if any equipment needs maintenance. Organise roster & helpers to work in the canteen, cleaning

Track Maintenance Managers

Inspect track and report back to the committee about the track condition and if racing should go ahead, report any safety issues. Organise track working bees and repairs. Co-ordinate material deliveries. Maintain tools and equipment.

Ground Maintenance Managers

Organise mowing of grounds and maintenance of equipment.

Publicity Co-ordinators

Promote the club and BMX to the public in way of Newspaper Articles, Radio, TV, Taking of pictures etc..

Website and Facebook co-ordinator

Updating the club website & Facebook page with information and the latest news updates and pictures to keep members informed.

First Aid Officers

Be track side when the track is open to assist any injured rider or spectator. Maintain first aid supplies. Record any major injuries or accidents and give a copy to the secretary. Hold a current First Aid Certificate. Supply a copy of certificate to secretary.

Grievance Officer

Mediate and Communicate between parties if a dispute a raises. Be approachable and not biased when taking complaints. Report all complaints to the executive committee.

Sponsor Co-Ordinators

Prepare sponsor proposal. Approach and Communicate with Sponsors. Keep a record of sponsorship details. Organise sponsorship merchandise, donations, signage etc..  

Volunteer Positions

Sports Council Delegate & Alternate

Attend Clarence Sports Council meetings to apply for funding of projects.

Grants & Funding Co-Ordinators

Apply for funding from government grants or private funding.

Race Scorers

Liaise with Registrars and Gate starters. Record race results. Forward results to Secretary. Tallying season scores. Help organise awards and trophies.

Gate Starters

Prepare start gate and maintain equipment. Carry out safety checks before riders enter the gate. Organise riders into lanes. Liaise with Flag persons. Drop and lift gate.  

Flag Persons

Liaise with Gate starters. Operate flags while racing. Inform Gate Starters and Track Officers of any track or safety issues.

Coaching Co-ordinator

Organise coaching programs & help develop the skills of the club members.

Sprocket Co-Ordinators

Organise sprocket riders ready for racing. Communicate with parents. Orientate new riders and parents of safety issues and rules. Advise riders on the basic riding techniques. Encourage and nurture sprocket riders to build up their confidence.

Canteen Volunteers & Helpers

Serve and prepare food, restock shelves with supplies, cleaning of canteen.

Amenity Cleaners

Keep toilets and the amenity building clean and restock with supplies.

Important information

Any committee or volunteer that cannot be present at race days or gates for their usual duties must inform the executive committee and try to find replacement member or volunteer to cover their absence.

Directors may only hold one executive position & one other committee position.   

All committee & volunteer members must be a level 1 official and have a current working with children check or applications that are pending approval.

To vote at meetings you must be a financial member of the club. Financial members are current registered riders over the age of 16 years or have paid the $2.00 financial member fee within the past 12 months.

Clarence Valley BMX