Guide to Club AGM preparation
Guide to Club AGM preparation
Nominations called for (include qualifications/job descriptions) (15.1) | 48 days prior to the AGM (15.1) | see here for example https://bmxnsw.atlassian.net/wiki/x/BgAJJw |
Nominations delivered to club (15.2e) | 35 days before the date of the AGM (15.2e) | |
Meeting notice (23c) | not less than 21 days before the AGM (23c) | see here for example https://bmxnsw.atlassian.net/wiki/x/JgA6Jw |
- Is to comprise 7 elected Directors (14.1a) who must all be members and up to 2 appointed Directors (14.1b) who do not need to be members
- Nominations to be in writing (15,2a/b) and signed by 2 Individual Members (15.2c) then certified by the nominee (who must be a Member) expressing willingness to accept the position (15.2d)
- Term is 2 years (from AGM to 2nd AGM after election) (15.4a)
- 4 Directors shall retire in each odd year and 3 in each even year until after 2 years all 7 Directors have retired (15.4b)
- No person who has served as an elected or appointed Director for 4 consecutive full terms shall be eligible for election as an elected Director until the next AGM following the date of conclusion of his last term as an elected Director (15.4d)
- Appointed Directors may have specific skills in finance, marketing etc which complements to Board composition (16.2)
- They may be appointed by the elected Directors for 2 years (from AGM to 2nd AGM after election) (16.3a)
- The Board may delegate functions and appoint special committees and consultants to carry out specific functions (19.1)
What | When | Notice | Agenda | Voting |
AGM & General Meetings | Must be held within 6 months of financial year end which is 30 June. (372a of the Associations Incorporation Act 2009 (NSW)) | Shall be given to every Member entitled to receive notice and are to be sent to the addresses appearing in the Club's Register. The auditor and Directors shall also be entitled to receive notice of every General Meeting (23a). Notice must be made of place, date and time as well as agenda at least 21 days prior (23a/b/ci). Any notice of motion received from Members entitled to vote must also be given (23cii). Each Individual Member and Life Member shall be entitled to one vote at General Meetings (27.1) and shall have the right to receive notice of General Meetings and to be present, to debate and to vote at General Meetings (5.1a/b). Notices may be given by the Club to any person entitled under this Constitution to receive any notice. The notice can be sent by pre-paid post or facsimile transmission or, where available, by electronic mail to the Member’s registered address or facsimile number or electronic mail address (37a). Where a notice is sent by electronic mail, service of the notice shall be deemed to be effected the next business day after it was sent (37d). | The business to be transacted at the Annual General Meeting includes the consideration of accounts and the reports of the Board and auditors, the election of Directors under this Constitution and the appointment of the auditors (24a). No business other than that stated on the notice for a General Meeting shall be transacted at that meeting (24c). A quorum of at least 7 members must be present at the time when the meeting proceeds to business (26.1). | If nominations are equal to the number of vacancies to be filled or if there are insufficient nominations received to fill all positions then those nominated shall be declared elected only if approved by the majority of members entitled to vote (15.3a). Vacant positions will be deemed casual vacancies (15.3b) and may be filled by the remaining Directors from among appropriately qualified persons for the remainder of the Directors term only (17.1). In the event of casual vacancies in the office of Directors, the remaining Directors may act, however they may act only for the purpose of increasing the number of Directors sufficient to constitute a quorum (17.3). If nominations exceed the number of vacancies voting papers are to be prepared in alphabetical order of the candidates names and voting shall be conducted by a method determined by the Board (15.3cd). Directors must constitute a quorum (5) at a meeting of the Board in order to make decisions (18.4). |
Board Meeting | The Board shall meet as often as is deemed necessary for the dispatch of business (18.1) | A Director may convene a meeting within reasonable time (18.1) (an apology or their presence is evidence of agreeance otherwise 14 days written notice) (18.5) | A Director shall declare his interest in any matter in which a conflict of interest arises or may arise, and shall, unless otherwise determined by the Board, absent himself from discussions of such matter and shall not be entitled to vote in respect of such matter. (18.7) | Each Director has one vote with the majority ruling and the chair person may cast the deciding vote – if the chair doesn’t then the motion is lost (18.2). Resolutions may be made via email, Messenger (18.3a) as long as there is effective communication (18.3bi). At meetings of the Board the number of Directors whose presence is required to constitute a quorum is five (5). (18.4) |