BMXNSW Lightning Policy

BMXNSW Lightning Policy

The BMXNSW lightning policy is consistent with guidelines utilised by a number of NSW outdoor sporting organisations


30 / 30 flash bang rule - when to stop / restart racing

Stopping racing

The flash / bang timing (time between seeing lightning flash and hearing thunder bang) is a good measure of how far away a storm is. If the storm is less than 10 kms away racing must be halted. The way to determine this is to count how many seconds there are between the flash and the bang. It takes 3 secs for sound to travel 1 km therefore if the flash / bang timing is 30 seconds or less then the storm is 10 kms or closer and racing must be stopped.

Restarting racing

For racing to restart the flash / bang timing must exceed 30 secs furthermore it must be more than 30 mins since the last time the flash / bang timing was under 30 secs.