State Series Scoring Process

State Series Scoring Process

Points awarded for:

  1. Overall place in the Class at the end of the Motos from 1st down to 93rd place in the Class.
    i.e. 1st = 100, 2nd = 95, 3rd = 92, 4th = 90, 5th = 89 ……. 93th = 1.  
    In the event of a tie, positions are determined by placing count back. If they have the same moto placings the riders will be awarded the same position. Lap times are not used for count back. 
  2. Place in the final from 1st down to 8th
    i.e. 1st = 100, 2nd = 95, 3rd = 92, 4th = 90, 5th = 89 ……. 8th = 86.
  3. When competitors share the same number of Series Total points, tie breaking is performed:

    1. The competitor with the highest number of points earned, in a single event, that counts towards their series total, is awarded the better rank.
    2. If a tie remains, the next highest points for each competitor are compared, and so on, until all events that contribute to their series total are exhausted.
    3. Competitors who still cannot be separated will share the same rank.

Below is an example of how the points are distributed in the Motos. It shows what happens when riders qualify with the same points and how count back works to determine the points received for each rider.