A State of Mind

A State of Mind

A long awaited outcome
Where, oh where? Please tell.
Huh, why, who and how?
What the? Bloody hell!

Geez, your freakin’ jokin’
Who’s bright idea was this?
All the way to WA
Bugger, damn, boo hiss!

That is just a load of crap
Why, oh why is it so?
Aussies are in Bunbury
And no one wants to go.

On the internet we hop
To research all our choices.
I don’t like the sound of this
Muttered many, many voices.

Could we drive all that way there
Or will it take too long?
Shouldn’t we just fly instead?
Either way it’s gonna cost a bomb.

Some families book their trip straight up
Others say a flat out no.
And some just cannot decide
They keep thinking to and fro.

Options, options, my oh my
Hey caravanning’s cheap!
Not when driving forty hours
The fuel will cost a heap!

Okay then flying there
That will be the best.
Oh crap, we’ll need a hire car
And the bloody rest!

To those that ummed and aahed
The others then did say
Why such an indecision?
Make it a holiday!

Well the critics then did cry out loud
A family holiday, you say?
What is there to see in do
In woop woop WA?!

The East coast is all up in arms
At the trek they have to make
The West are feeling fine and smug
‘Bout time we got a break.

And insults added to injury
BMXA did then just stun
The cheek and the hide of them
It’s going back there in ‘21!

Well then the news it sinks right in
And folks must suck it up
Would it be a BMX event
Without a big hiccup?

So plans are duly made and booked
And everyone is all but set
To head on over to the West
And see if goals are met.

The training’s done, all boxes ticked
And folks are good to go.
Yet without another twist and turn
Would it even be a BMX show?

So practice times they have been set
And each state has their lot
But what? Did I hear that quite right?
The practice times are shot?

Take a breath, it’s all okay
It’s just the State-run sesh
You’ll still get half the practice time
Take it easy, please don’t stress.

So folks they go and take their trip
With “golf” bags fully packed.
And have fun, they sure gave it a bash
Good ole’ Facebook copped the act.

Photos, photos, the things they saw
East coast tourists all around
Places explored, new sights taken in
Stunning destinations, they were found!

And racing went ahead as planned
And folks seemed happy with that
The weather it was kind to them
And it seems, so was the track.

So BMXA, you pulled it off
A roaring success it was
2019 now, we need to know
PLEASE, whereabouts in Oz?!