BMXNSW Forum - Survey Results

BMXNSW Forum - Survey Results

1] How was the length of forum?

  1. Just right (55%)
  2. A little too long (27%)
  3. Far too long (18%)

2] Was the content of the Forum useful / relevant for you and your club?

  1. Mostly useful / relevant (55%)
  2. Extremely useful / relevant (45%)
  • All relevant info discussed.

  • In our opinion the First Aid advice was not relevant at an AGM.

  • The information was relevant and answered a lot of questions.

  • It is always beneficial to get together as a group, it allows all clubs to participate in an open discussions.

  • brainstorming & collaborating at the end was most valuable reports\updates are good but went for too long. could easily have been a 5 minute discussion and time for any questions.

  • Answered question our members were asking, aswell as new information to inform our members.

  • it brought us up to date.

  • New to bmx nsw. Was very helpful and informative

3] Rate the venue

  1. Good (64%)
  2. Excellent (36%)
  • Perfect!!!

  • Venue was fine.

  • Easy to find, close to the track.

  • The layout was very good.

  • good venue - bit hot in the afternoon probably because it was 46 degrees outside.

  • Size of room, location to castle hill bmx track and time all good.

  • easy to get to

4] What did you like about the forum?

  • All clubs input and feedback with what is happening through out nsw. Also the great positive vibe from the nsw committee themselves
  • Very well organised. Good content. Particularly liked the end group work bit! Great idea!
  • The introduction of additional Directors.
  • The new information.
  • Open discussion and updates and progression of where we are heading as a state
  • Insight in to the plan going forward.
  • brainstorming & collaborating at the end was most valuable, most clubs have the same issues & challenges
  • Information gained, able to put questions on the table and descuss as a group.
  • Good explanations from all members.
  • Information
  • Team building and working together with other clubs

5] What would you like to see done differently in next year's forum?

  • nothing i think all information was delivered great and there was chance to talk about topics rather then tell it like it is and move on

  • Perhaps a bit at the end for Q & A ie each club gets 2 mins to ask a question or give feedback. An email to all members from bmxnsw with the minutes discussed and changes, So it sounds more official as some big changes happened.... Particularly would have been good to have the crackerjack info come from bmxnsw as a lot of kids and parents are VERY disappointed about that. I have had multiple comments from members saying why didn't they tell us and as the kids are devastated... they felt it coming from the club wasn't enough.. (sorry I know not the best feedback but just thought I'd tell you what's happened) I think perhaps a course/info night run by bmxnsw once a year for clubs about grants, media liaison and just generally how to get each club working better and promoting bmx at grassroots level instead of Bmxa level....

  • Better time management, AGM specific agenda only.

  • Need to shut down the arguers earlier.

  • maybe just a tad shorter, if possible. However this depends on content we dont want to miss out on important information.

  • Buffet and drinks??

  • streamlined - reports etc circulated & spoken to (same as the AGM) More time for discussion, questions & collaboration

  • None
  • Maybe biscuits at morning tea.

  • Keep it simple

  • When clubs put items on the agenda, they should be able to discuss why they have been put on the agenda etc

6] Would you like to have two shorter forums a year instead of one big one?

  1. Maybe (55%)
  2. Yes (27%)
  3. No (18%)
  • I am in two minds about that.... Firstly I think yep great! The more we get together to better it will be for all... a united approach.... But then I think of timing and how hard it might be for everyone to get to both..... maybe have one as a dinner/night AGM in say sawtell for example so that everyone is already there for it so would be able to come as it's not an "additional" day out of their calendar if that makes sense? Actually the more I think about it yes I think 2 would be great! Hahha
  • Not much can/will change during the year.
  • It could be helpfull as quite often new club people come on board and it could be helpful to them.