BMXNSW State Championships Qualification Criteria

BMXNSW State Championships Qualification Criteria

BMXNSW State Championships Qualification Criteria

  1. Eligibility: The event is open ONLY to riders licensed in NSW or the ACT with the exception of riders entering the Superclass. Superclasses are open to Australian-licensed riders. 
  2. Qualification  Sprocket and Elite: Superclass and Sprocket classes do not have to qualify for the BMXNSW State Titles. 
  3. Qualification – Age and Cruiser: All riders other than Superclass and Sprocket classes must participate in at least two BMXNSW Open events. 
    1. 1 x metro round (Open or State Series); and,
    2. 1 x country round (Open or State Series)
    3. NOTE
      1. if a rider has DNS (Did Not Start) results for all motos in an event they will be deemed to have not participated in that event; however, if they they were injured in official practice for the event and this can be proven by the event First Aid records they will be deemed to have participated in the event.
      2. see Calendar for definition of Metro v Country. 
      3. the Opens must be between 1 January of year of state titles and close of entries for state titles.
  4. Documentation: No documentation is required on the part of the rider – participation in NSW Open events will be determined electronically from results from all NSW open events. 
  5. Exceptional Circumstances: Any rider not able to qualify for the State Titles via the above procedure must apply for an “Exceptional Circumstances” entry to the BMXNSW State Officiating Director using the form below. Completion of the Exceptional Circumstances form does not guarantee entry to the State Titles.
  6. Closing dates for entries: Closing dates for entries (Exceptional Circumstances, Paper and Online) are listed on the BMXNSW Calendar.

Exceptional circumstances form

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