2018 Teams Manager

2018 Teams Manager

Test Team Report 2018

Again this year the Test Team experience is one that many riders are looking to take part – other states are finding it hard to ignore and are almost forced to accept that this has a level of influence in their state

We have had a number of key people in other states ask about the direction of the Test Team and how we see it growing in the next 2 – 3 years, members in other states have asked if it was possible for them to get involved and what is it they needed to do

All of this is very positive

We have also found that in NSW there is a lot of interest in what we are doing and questions posted around the future development of riders, etc. I have highlighted that BMXNSW are looking to introduce the “Merit Team” this has received very positive responses

Throughout the year, both Julia and I have had time to reflect on the running and the outcomes of the Test Team, as in past years there are a number of initiatives we would like to deliver that will be of benefit to both riders, BMXNSW and the experience as a whole.

Changes/initiatives for 2019

  • Test Team Jersey Design competition
  • Qualifier Fees – we should be charging those that wish to qualify a minimum of $25.00 per qualifier
  • Increased parent contribution for Non NSW participants (values to be agreed to/set by BMXNSW)
    • Aust Leg         
      • $550.00 NSW Riders
      • $1000.00 Non NSW Riders
    • NZ Leg
      • $950.00 NSW Riders
      • $1500.00 Non NSW Riders
    • It would be ideal to publish the cost in the qualifier flyer – indicating that BMXNSW is subsidising NSW riders – we are hoping this will encourage other states to support their riders
  • A copy of the Procedures and Guidelines document to be published with the Qualifier information
  • Similar to the Jersey Design competition, we would like to “Sell” advertising space on a training Jersey, hence the funds would then cover the cost of a training jersey we do not currently supply – any additional funds raised would be aimed toward providing other items, eg sports bag, etc – we would approach states first – if no response we will open it up to the BMX community - we are confident many will pay $50.00 for a spot on a Jersey
  • Where possible, pre pay activities prior to leave for NZ
  • The 5th rider option had been raised during our meeting with BMXNZ – we will need to consider a financial plan to achieve this outcome – the thought is “parents pay”, if the rider is utilised BMXNSW may subsidise funds (to be discussed with Michael)
  • Minor changes to the MOU – summary further in this report
  • A number of forms we currently utilise will need to be modified as additional information is required
  • Test Team Manager roles – proposing a 2 year term, years would need to be alternate to ensure we have a level of consistency/contingency in place

Test Team – Australian Leg

It was very beneficial to work closely with the Event Manager (Sarah) and the may working parties to ensure from a team’s and visitor’s perspective all elements were in place – nothing was left to chance, all items had been satisfactorily addressed, the event received very positive feedback

Many comments were made whilst in NZ this year as to how well organised and presented our dinner is and how we recognise all “Mighty 11” entrants

A huge congratulations to Sarah and the Castle Hill club

Again BMXA allowed BMXNSW to utilise their National Series event in Sydney as the qualifier, we are finding the level of interest increases year on year, it was a positive step to move the qualifier from ACT and align it with the National Series

Training Camps – as per last year, we had parent put their hands up to billet rider, this assists greatly in enabling riders to get to know each other -- the camps held in preparation for the Castle Hill event clearly addressed the need to develop a cohesive team of competitive riders, both teams came home with a win

An issue with one of the riders who injured herself during an event outside the Test Team preparation, the rider was replaced but BMXNSW chose to honour her position, hence receiving all uniform items and having her contribution returned in full

There was some controversy around the replacement, parents need to conduct themselves in a professional and courteous manner when dealing with Test Team managers and BMXNSW

Teams Activity – this has been a great initiative, the teams get together prior to racing, we do an event that requires the 2 teams to work together – riders now look forward to this activity almost as much as racing

Racing – Castle Hill always run a perfect event, a small tight track is well suited for test team racing, all riders thoroughly enjoyed themselves, the entire weekend was a positive for all (riders, spectators, parents and visitors)

Test Team – New Zealand Leg

Preparation for this event started the moment we completed the Test Team presentation, as in past years Pat Cannell from Integrity Apparel provided a variety of shirts, jackets, etc to assist in sizing riders and always provides quality uniforms – we are always complemented on how good the team looks when travelling

Jersey and Pants – it was somewhat of a shock to receive and email from Speed FX indicating they no longer wished to support the Test Team in the supply of Jerseys – given we had an existing relationship with Planett for race pants we chose to work with Planett for the supply of Jerseys – Jerseys and Pants were not delivered as agreed prior to leaving for NZ, an agreement was made that they would be shipped to BMXNZ directly – they arrive 2 days prior to the rider presentation. As mentioned Planett provided both Jerseys and Pants for the 2018 NZ leg, we received swap jerseys were not “replicas” of the race jerseys – NZ riders were a little disappointed

As per the Australian Leg, parents need to conduct themselves in a professional and courteous manner when dealing with Test Team managers and BMXNSW

For the first time in 5 years, Julia and I encourage the NZ Test Team to attend the Sunset Coast T-shirt race on the first Sunday of our arrival – what a great day and allowed the 2 teams to socialise (some days it’s more about the friendships than racing)

As per previous years the NZ trip had been well planned, a complete itinerary had been published to parents, riders, BMXNZ - the activities did not disappoint  

Racing – was held at the Mountain Raiders track – it is one of the smallest tracks presented in NZ but extremely well presented and as a result it has the highest membership count in NZ (clubs in Australia can lean a lot in terms of track presentation from this club)

Racing was tight and very competitive, our riders had an amazing time on and off the track – out girls team was successful in retaining the trophy, unfortunate our boys had to leave it behind

Mighty 11’s Race – our boys captain Fletcher Klepiak won the race from gate 6 and our number one girl Imogen Healy made the final and was in a very strong positon to take out the race

Summary – all in all the Management Team and Coach are very happy with the way in which the teams and the countries are coming together

Working with New Zealand

Julia and I met with BMXNZ to discuss a number of initiatives relating to the event, racing and Memorandum of Understanding (notes from BMXNZ will be released at a later date) below are the items of discussion and in brief a number of outcomes

  • Age relating to Test Team will be adopted for the Mighty 11’s – Mighty 11’s will no longer be “age on day” as this tends to confuse parents and exclude riders
    • Qualification and Entry for the June event - both Test Team and Mighty 11’s will be – 11 years of age as at 1st June
    • Qualification and Entry for the October event - both Test Team and Mighty 11’s will be – 11 years of age as at 20th October
  • 5th Rider – it has been agreed that both countries will carry a 5th boy and girl rider
    • Replacement – both countries will provide the other with a list of the top 8 boys and girls that trial and qualified
    • Replacement – will be next “available” rider
    • It will be a 1 time substitution during the even
  • The Mighty 11’s scoring - will no longer be point to Final then Dead man Final
  • It has been agreed it will be “points through” – the top 8 rider with the most points after the “Final” will be recognised
  • Mighty 11’s Class Awards – we have agreed to adopt the New Zealand structure and add the Top 4 Girls
    • Top 3 receive trophies
    • 1 – 8 presentation plates
    • Top 4 girls (regardless of overall placing) will receive a trophy
    • Perpetual (in country) trophy (highest point score)
  • For Test Team Riders Only - the host country will cover the cost of the following for the visiting country
    • Team Dinner costs – (riders, management and coach)
    • Entries fees for the Test Team event
    • Entries fees for the Mighty 11’s event
  • Gifts – each country is to provide a gift for members of the opposing team (manages will be excluded)
  • To be added to the MOI – the host country MUST provide a Team Manager for all visiting riders that are NOT part of the Test Team
  • To be added to the MOI – No past “Test Team” Jerseys are to be worn by past Test Team riders during the event
  • Remember – the National Anthem of the visiting country MUST be first
  • Question to BMXNSW – we have been asked if it is ok for BMXNSW to move the presentation dinner to the Thursday evening as riders find it difficult to ready themselves for the event after a Friday evening presentation

State Team Report 2018

It was evident as a result of feedback received during 2018 the State Team required a level of attention by the Board of BMXNSW to bring it in line with other rider base opportunities. There seemed to be a misunderstanding in terms of expectation and expected outcomes from all parties which was not an ideal situation for the Board, Management and Riders alike

The Board completed an investigation and found there was a level of unhappiness across the board

In consultation with the Team Manager and Coach, the Board of BMXNSW have taken it upon themselves to readdress the selection criteria and the financial commitment relating to the State Team for 2019

It has been agreed newly created selection criteria and the financial plan will apply to 2019

Riders will be selected as per the new criteria on their performance within the 2018 calendar year

BMXNSW will continue to develop both the criteria and the financial plan moving forward, ensuring the focus is place on the riders

Criteria – the Board of BMXNSW have opened the previous selection criteria to 1st, 2nd and 3rd place getters and have done away with the “rider selection panel”

The complete selection criteria will be made available to the BMXNSW community by early to mid December 2018

The State Team will be announced shortly after

The Board of BMXNSW is committed to develop and grow the State Team initiative, ensuring it becomes a “MUST HAVE” goal for every rider in NSW

As mentioned above the Board of BMXNSW have introduced a “Merit Team” – the team will consist of riders who are 9 – 13 years of age and achieved 1st, 2nd and 3rd in the BMXNSW State Series – these riders will be eligible to attend 3 training/coaching days per year organised by the Board of BMXNSW


The Board of BMXNSW have contributed a considerable amount of time and money into reviving the State Team, unfortunately something had to give – Japan is still something the Board wish to deliver, a great deal more time will be spent planning and implementing in 2019


Where to from here?:

  • The Academy was to provide me an understanding as to how they would work within the BMX structure – noting received to date, have chased this information 3 -4 times across 2017
  • No information received in 2018
  • Kiel may be able to provide additional information


An Expression of Interest for all Management and Coaching positions will be forwarded to the BMXNSW community on an annual basis or as agreed to by the Board of BMXNSW