2019 Structure
2019 Structure
We would like to let you know about some changes to coaching for 2019. The changes cover re-accreditation requirements, holding coaching courses and introduction of a Coaches eNews.
1) Coaches Re-accreditation Criteria
The re-accreditation criteria for BEG and Level 1 Coaches has been updated on the website. From 1.1.19, re accreditation will require completion of a PBTR Child Protection certificate and for Level 1 coaches, where ASADA Level 1 has been completed, Level 2 or ASADA Coaches Course completion will be required. We have also updated the Coaches Code of Behaviour to reflect child safety guidelines for sporting organisations.
As part of the new re-accreditation requirements, coaches will now be required to have attended a Skills Development Clinic in the last two years of their accreditation. The current BMXA National Series Coaching Clinics meet this criteria and during 2019 we will be looking to develop with each State, a State run Coaching Clinic which can also meet criteria for re-accreditation. We will be in contact with each State about how they would like to do this in their State. On-going education and skills development are important to ensure our coaches can develop the skills of Riders and are kept up-to-date with new ideas and contemporary coaching practices.
2) Holding a Coaching Course
We've made some changes to the process of holding a BEG or Level 1 Coaching course with the aim of reducing paperwork and administration for States and Presenters and improving the accreditation process for an aspiring coach or a coach who is progressing to a higher level.
a) All Coaching Courses are to be set up in OSM as non-competitive events. BMXA will set the Course up for a State and/or Presenter upon receiving an Application and activate the Course after your review and approval. This will allow both the State Association and BMXA to track registrations and for BMXA to make regular contact with attendees as they register reminding them to submit their pre-requites. The pre-reqs will be processed as received which will make the final accreditation process quicker and reduce the administration burden on the Presenter (hopefully no more Certificates to send to BMXA!) with the aim to reduce and ultimately stop the on-going chasing of attendees for pre-requisites which currently occurs.
b) Upon registration, the attendee will receive an OSM confirmation with an attachment which outlines the Course details and the pre-requisites to be completed and submitted to BMXA prior to attending the Course..
c) The Coaching Manuals and Workbooks will remain in hard copy for the time being and be sent to the Presenter/State prior to the Course as is the current process.
We have updated a number of documents which outline the new processes and these will be placed on the OSM home page of each State and are attached.
i) How to Hold a Coaching Course (for Presenter and State Associations)
ii) Coaching Course Application Form (for Presenter and State Associations)
iii) Example of information which will be attached to the email an attendee receives from OSM once they have registered to attend the Course. BMXA will customize this information for each State's Course and attach to the Course set-up.
iv) Updated Trainee Level 1 - On How to Complete Your Accreditation. This will be include in the Level 1 Course material.
3) Introduction of an Officials Newsletter
We will be introducing a 6-mthly Coaches Newsletter in 2019 to let Coaches of all levels know about happenings within BMXA Coaching. The first Newsletter will advise about the changes to re-accreditation criteria, how to check what BMXA has on file for you, Child Safety update, NS coaching clinics.
If you have any items you think would be good to include in the Newsletter please let us know.
We hope the above changes will reduce the paperwork and administration and assist with a better accreditation process for aspiring coaches.
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