Paula Griffiths - Development 2017
Paula Griffiths - Development 2017
BMXNSW Director Develpment
Annual Report 2017
Position Profile
State Team and coaching development
Coaching & State Team
- 4 x Beginner Coaching Course
- 1 x Level 1 Coaching Course
- Other were advertised, but insufficient interest prevented them going ahead
Summary of courses that ran
Course | Date | Location | Attendees |
Beginner | March 25th | Macarthur | 5 |
Beginner | May 14th | Clarence Valley | 12 |
Beginner | May 21st | Southlake | 10 |
Level 1 | July 29th & 30th | Sydney | 7 |
Beginner | November 5th | Batemans Bay | 12 |
- Club organised Courses worked very well, those courses being Clarence Valley, Southlake and Batemans Bay. Although there were some pre-requisites not completed by participants. Moving forward we need to be firmer and that if the pre-requisites are not complete and received prior to the course the individuals cannot sit the course.
- Adam Carey and Luke Madill attended the Presenter & Assessor course and Adam has been actively assisting in getting through the backlog of Coach Assessments.
- BMXA have asked for course workbooks to be returned electronically which will be very time consuming.
- State Series coaching ran throughout the year with good attendance.
- 2017 State High Performance Team competed at National Series Rounds, travelling to Cairns together as a Team