Executive Director

Executive Director

I ended last year with the idea that I would spend some of 2019 putting together a club package for our new riders. Having done the research and pieced together information from various clubs as to how they introduce their clubs to this great sport of ours, I am on my way to getting a comprehensive package together in our very short off season. I really want to put together a simple, effective yet concise document that provides a stepping stone into BMX racing without confusing new members.  In the meantime I have spent a lot of my year plugging the Confluence train, taking my laptop to practice sessions at clubs around NSW and encouraging interested and some non-interested parties to take the time to delve into the package and see how they can and should be using it. The response has continued to be underwhelming, however, we are still coming up with ideas to place more emphasis on the practical use of the application as the board of BMX NSW is convinced that this is the most effective way of communication with clubs and members alike. The storage capacity is fantastic, the layout of the pages is simple and the usability of drag and drop features enhances the users experience like nothing else. I will continue to promote the use of Confluence at all levels and to be the advocate for a streamlined user experience from a BMX NSW point of view. Club Compliance has been a big topic this year, having clubs responsible for uploading documents and information that is required by the state and also by BMX Australia. Much has been achieved and there is so much more to do, I hope that my contribution, however tedious and tiny, makes the life of some club members and committee members alike just that little bit easier, especially when it comes to succession planning which is very underrated yet extremely important, by volunteers in not for profit organisations.

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